Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Comic: Big Box Blues

I actually got this speech, almost verbatim (though I updated it from the 1980s), from an older coworker at ye olde KMart.  I think his name was Ron, and he wore cheap suits every day and was very entertaining to myself and the other teenagers who worked there.  I miss Kmart.  The home of the blue light special had more soul than Walmart or any of the other retailers that have replaced it.  It was a nice, fun, fucked-up place to work, you know when coked-out store managers weren't dropping pallet jacks on my toes.  To read the comic, I suggest clicking on the image and making it full screen.  You could also download it after you click on it for the primo view, I suppose.  I've also loaded the panels individually below if you like scrolling down (it works either way).


For more fun (albeit words, not pictures), read one of my novels, such as the latest, Fast Guy Slows Down!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

New Recording!: "The Plagiarist In Chief"

I wrote this song in 2020.  You can hear the demo and read what I wrote about it then here.  Now, it's 2024, it looks like we're stuck in a doom loop as far as major party presidential candidates are concerned; at least, the virus panic has died down, though many who were wrong back then still don't want to admit it.  The demo was just guitar and voice.  For the rerecording, I added drums (including the lid of a cookies can), bass as keyboard, and some tin whistle (I was going for the panic like Pan's flute, but I didn't have access to a Pan flute, so the tin whistle had to do; that's OK, a little panic goes a long way).

For more Wred Fright music, listen to the Yeast? 7" or give his latest album a listen or download at your favorite digital music site such as Spotify or Bandcamp!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Comic: When People Watch Too Much Professional Wrestling . . .

Professional wrestling appears to be in one of its periodic booms in popularity.  You can probably watch it every night on cable television not to mention all the matches available on the Internet.  Of course, when this happens, people start acting like they are a professional wrestler, even presidents who should know better . . .  To read the comic, I suggest clicking on the image and making it full screen.  You could also download it after you click on it for the primo view, I suppose.  I've also loaded the panels individually below if you like scrolling down (it works either way).



For more fun (albeit words, not pictures), read one of my novels, such as the latest, Fast Guy Slows Down!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Pat King Interview


Pat King and I did a double interview with one another to finish off the Underground Literary Alliance video series I've been helping him with.  You can check all the videos out below:

#1 Frank Walsh - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c2WCtz42w0

#2 Wild Bill Blackolive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt6vc_4VhQg

#3 King Karl Wenclas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41K4wvUBna4

#4 Jessica Disobedience/Jessie Lynn McMains - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVNUNI93Pms 

#5 Crazy Carl Robinson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0I4v9Zn6iY

#6 Eric "Jelly Boy The Clown" Broomfield - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAM5HIgPgqQ

#7 Jeff Potter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRG3ymIlKmU 

#8 Joe Smith/Joe3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU-PLRYzt5w

#9 Ann Sterzinger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXvBAbDSDTk

#10 PS King and Wred Fright - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY-b-yBfiTI 

What a fun project!  I look forward to seeing what Pat comes up with out of it, whether it is a book, a film, both, or more!  It would have been great to interview more old ULAers, but the new novel I've been working on was complaining about the time away from it already, so I only signed up to do a few interviews, and mainly it was the fun Pat and I had working together on the old Underground Literary Adventures blog that caused me to agree to do those.  Any old ULAers who want in on the fun should get in touch with Pat.  I would enjoy seeing more of these myself!

If you want to read some literature by The Underground Literary Alliance, then please check out The Slush Pile Strikes Back!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

New Recording!: "Another Year Without A Valentine"

Valentine's Day is coming up again, so I rerecorded this tune and added drums and bass (at least some fake bass from the keyboard).  You can hear the original recording and read what I wrote about it at the time here.  

For more Wred Fright music, listen to the Yeast? 7" or give his latest album a listen or download at your favorite digital music site such as Spotify or Bandcamp!