Sunday, January 12, 2025

drinkdrankdrunk: Excerpt From The Loud Boys By Karl Wenclas



The newspaper offices:  glass interrupted by black-and-white horizontal lines.  A young woman striding through the entrance disturbed the building’s impersonal design.

The city newspaper’s new publisher, Howell, was hand-picked representative of the billionaire venture capitalist who’d bought the 170 year-old legacy relic for ten percent of what it’d once been worth.  Shortly after arriving in town and studying the operation, Howell had taken over editorial duties as well.

“We’re not doing journalism,” Howell told the staffers from behind a smartphone held in front of his face.  “Journalism is dead. We’re not objective. Neither are we partisans. Our slant--our politics--is what sells.”

He’d done a stint in Silicon Valley as well as New York, and subscribed to the tech mindset.  “Data, Then More Data!” his mantra, to the extent he had the slogan emblazoned in bold crimson-red letters on a large white banner hanging over the main entrance of their new, downsized headquarters.

Then he fired most of the long-time staff and brought in free-lancers and contract employees.

He was a thirty-nine-year-old arrogant cushion of a man wearing Warby-Parker eyeglasses, who’d been raised on video games and sci-fi CGI films.  If it wasn’t electronic, he didn’t want it.

“The bottom line is views,” he told Dara Defiant when she arrived in his office to discuss a new assignment.  “More views, subscribers, numbers, however we get them.  More personalities, celebrities, drama.  In this newspaper.  On screens.  Scandals.  Targets.  Triggers.  Tragedy.  Controversy.”

The office looked like it’d been erected yesterday, and would be gone tomorrow.

“That’s why I’m here,” Dara said with indecipherable eyes. “That’s what I write.”

As ruthless as he pretended to be, coddled Howell was intimidated by his encounters with Dara.  When she walked, her figure cut through the atmosphere as if separate from it.  Tangibly alive.

“What I like about you, Dara,” he said, blinking as he scrutinized her through his glasses (his eyes trained for screens, not people) “is you have no illusions.”

Dara thought to herself at age twenty-five maybe she should still have a few illusions.

"King" Karl Wenclas has a new novel out, The Loud Boys!  I am happy to run an excerpt from it as part of drinkdrankdrunk!  Check out his "War Hysteria" in The Underground Literary Alliance anthology and his current New Pop Lit project.  Finding good contemporary writing can be difficult these days, so the King is a good guide to it, whether it's his own or that of others.  He's also still blogging occasionally at Attacking The Demi-Puppets, trying to give American Lit. the jump start it so desperately needs these days!

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Front Yard War Available In Print!


If you see a chemlawn truck pull up on your street, then that's a bummer.  Fortunately, in the winter, one doesn't see them much, so score one for the cold season.  Another reason to celebrate is that the print edition of The Front Yard War is now out.  Amazon usually does a nice job on their print on demand paperbacks, so I'm hoping that's the case here.  I haven't seen a copy myself yet.  One change I made with this paperback is that I went with indented paragraphs instead of the blank line between paragraphs I prefer.  All those blank lines add up though and would contribute to more pages costing more.  So with inflation raging still I elected to keep costs down, so The Front Yard War costs the same as Fast Guy Slows Down did in 2022 (and still does), Edna's Employment Agency did in 2020 (and still does), and so on.  You can't say that about many products these days.  And it's not even shrinkflation.  The word count is about the same as the last novel; it's just a thinner paperback due to the indenting.  If you want a print edition and want to save more money, then order the pdf version directly from me (epub also available, though that is not as print-friendly) for $5 USD (PayPal me at wredfright AT yahoo DOTT com) and print it out yourself (maybe your local public library has free or cheap printing, for example).  As for Amazon, the Kindle version is here, and the paperback version is here.  They are $5 and $15 USD respectively.  They'll probably charge you shipping on the paperback unless you have Amazon Prime or are ordering more stuff, and they likely charge sales tax on both (the government always wants its cut, even from indie lit).  I'm working on the Google Books edition next, so stay tuned for those Googler fans!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Hoof & Antler

I wrote an article on Mega Championship Wrestling for the new The Hoof & AntlerThe Hoof is a fun quarterly newspaper given out at various Mickey Marts.  The newspaper is free, so if you live near one, please stop in, say hello to the moose statue, and pick up a copy.  If you don't live near a Mickey Mart, then you're probably out of luck.  The Hoof seems to be part of the new revenge of print such as County Highway and Capitol Hill Citizen wherein cool stuff doesn't appear online.  I don't think they do mail order either, but if you live in northern Ohio, USA, then you're in luck (maybe the first time that phrase has ever been used in the history of humanity . . .)!  It was fun interviewing Brandon Xavier of Mega.  The great wrestling photos are by Dirk the editor.

If you want to read more writing by me about wrestling, then please check out Blog Love Omega Glee, where I had quite a lot of fun creating silly wrestling storylines as part of the novel.  Also, the print version of The Front Yard War is in the works.