If you see a chemlawn truck pull up on your street, then that's a bummer. Fortunately, in the winter, one doesn't see them much, so score one for the cold season. Another reason to celebrate is that the print edition of The Front Yard War is now out. Amazon usually does a nice job on their print on demand paperbacks, so I'm hoping that's the case here. I haven't seen a copy myself yet. One change I made with this paperback is that I went with indented paragraphs instead of the blank line between paragraphs I prefer. All those blank lines add up though and would contribute to more pages costing more. So with inflation raging still I elected to keep costs down, so The Front Yard War costs the same as Fast Guy Slows Down did in 2022 (and still does), Edna's Employment Agency did in 2020 (and still does), and so on. You can't say that about many products these days. And it's not even shrinkflation. The word count is about the same as the last novel; it's just a thinner paperback due to the indenting. If you want a print edition and want to save more money, then order the pdf version directly from me (epub also available, though that is not as print-friendly) for $5 USD (PayPal me at wredfright AT yahoo DOTT com) and print it out yourself (maybe your local public library has free or cheap printing, for example). As for Amazon, the Kindle version is here, and the paperback version is here. They are $5 and $15 USD respectively. They'll probably charge you shipping on the paperback unless you have Amazon Prime or are ordering more stuff, and they likely charge sales tax on both (the government always wants its cut, even from indie lit). I'm working on the Google Books edition next, so stay tuned for those Googler fans!
Long distance is the next best thing to not being there.
Sometimes I need a break from my family. Like, from 1993-2014, when they
didn’t know where I was. Now that we’re back in touch and they know where I
am, I ...
12 hours ago
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