You can get a pretty good education on the cheap buying the good stuff that comes your way used or free, but you'd probably still be better off with a library card. The lyrics are below. It's the same deal as always. If you like a song, then feel free to cover it if you're in a band or whatnot. I love to hear covers of my songs, so please let me know about your version. If you start making money, then send me a check/we can work out a deal. Similarly, if you want to use a song for your Youtube video or whatnot, then just let me know. It's usually fine by me unless it's a commercial product or whatnot (and then it's likely fine as well--I just want my cut). Find out first though. Write me at wredfright ATATAT yahoo DOTT com.
I just bought a book by Camus for a quarter!
So now I know the meaning of life, well, sorta!
I don't need no fancy school.
When I see something cheap, I buy it if it's cool.
I'm a flea market intellectual!
Some say I would be better off with a library card.
But there are so many books, picking one is just too hard.
So I prefer to see what the universe sends my way.
If there's some gaps in my knowledge, like economics, then that's OK.
I'm always reading a book, and sometimes two or three.
But I'm always ready for more, especially if they're free.
Soon I will have more books than I can read,
But I will never have as many books as I need.
Written July 2019
Recorded July 2019
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