Monday, July 22, 2019

The Joslyns - "My Man Frank"

At the beginning of this video, you can hear us play "The Dreamwheel", another one of our songs. I like the guitarline and arrangement on that. After "The Dreamwheel", we kick into "My Man Frank", an older song of mine. I think I wrote this when I was doing Yeast? solo. It would have been in 1992 since it riffs on Ross Perot ("I didn't throw the party; I just clean the room") and his presidential run that year. I never imagined that a decade later, the song would still be relevant and another Bush would be president (this one even worse than the first). It's a fun song to play. It's not in my current setlist, but I can imagine it popping up again, though with luck no third Bush for president. Trump may be an awful president, but he did spare us the horror of a Jeb Bush presidency. I think this is the only Joslyns song I sang lead on. I don't even know how it ended up in the set. We were probably jamming on it one day in practice, and we decided to play it. It would carry over to the next band Ray, the bassist, and I played in, Team Fright, which just played my tunes. Team Fright was basically the Wred Fright solo act with a backing band, and they were a pretty great backing band. Ryan, the drummer, went on to play in The Twilight, whom we were playing this show with. Tony, the keyboardist, was playing in a bunch of bands already, so he carried on with that. I don't know that Ursula, the other keyboardist, played in any more bands after The Joslyns. Basically, we got too busy with our other gigs and retired the band. The title of the song comes from drunk people thinking my name is Frank, which is always amusing. This might be the best version of this song due to the nifty 1960s keyboard accents.

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