About Wred

Wred Fright is the pen/stage name of one of the many thousands of blokes named "Fred Wright" wandering around our world today. This one primarily potters around Ohio in the USA but occasionally has been known to migrate farther afield. One of these migrations is cyberspace and this little blog which makes a nice outlet for himself and others to keep tabs on him and his writing, music, and whatnot.

Writingwise, Wred enjoys journalism (usually of the gonzo variety), fiction (usually of the humorous variety), and poetry (usually of the short variety). He's written for a plethora of publications (including some that actually pay such as Scene and some that are actually respectable such as The Journal For The Psychoanalysis Of Culture And Society), but he especially loves writing for blogs, comics, ezines, and zines such as Fightin' Fun Comics, Go Metric!, Zine World, and his own SMASH and drinkdrankdrunk. His first novel, The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus, is a humorous look at the life of a hapless garage rock band, while his second novel, Blog Love Omega Glee, pokes fun at the notion that the world will end on a specific predicted date.  His third novel, Frequently Asked Questions About Being Dead, takes life after death and turns it into laugh after death, while his fourth novel, Edna's Employment Agency, does for the staffing industry what Chernobyl did for the nuclear industry.  His fifth novel, Fast Guy Slows Down, swirls around an elderly superhero who delights in pooping on world leaders.  More writing by Wred can be found in the Library.

Musically, Wred likes to sing and play guitar, with the occasional runs on bass, drums, accordion, theremin, and whatever else. The music is often described as rock and roll, punk, alternative, garage, and pop by listeners. In the past, he's played solo and in such bands as The Darrow Dregs, The Escaped Fetal Pigs, Satan Tortilla, The Flaming Toasters, Angry Housewives, The Lenin Spoonful, PFE, Anal Spikemobile, Yeast?, Ungoat, De Niro Youth, Rage Against Dabney Coleman, Shang Tsang, The Hot Glue Guns, The GoGoBots, The Joslyns, and Team Fright. Currently, he occasionally plays out solo or with a band under the Wred Fright name.  You can listen to the Severe Platter Damage, What's Your Flow Setting, Baby?, Noisy And Not So Noisy, and Gang Of Foreigner albums on Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Spotify, or wherever else music is streamed and downloaded.  You can find the latest singles here.

In terms of whatnot, Wred often publishes on the blog the works of other writers he likes as well.  Therefore, he completely cannot be blamed for the contents of this blog (just for most of it).  You can also read work by Crazy Carl Robinson, Grant Schreiber, Mark Sonnenfeld, and others. Most appear under the resurrected drinkdrankdrunk label.  

If you're press, and you need a photo, feel free to use the one above, which is also available as a high resolution JPG if you need to print it.

Here's some of what our friends in the press have said about Wred:

Alternative Incite #5 2022

Between The Lines 2022

PortageLife.Com 2018

New Pop Lit 2014

Cleveland Bachelor 2009

Pittsburgh City Paper 2007

Cleveland Magazine 2006

Lakewood Observer 2006

But don't take their word for it! If you have any questions, please contact Wred yourself at wredfright AT AT AT yahoo DOTT com!

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