Sunday, February 5, 2017

Shutting Up

For all audiences

Shit, my well-meaning friend got fired up one day and told me we needed to speak up for those who
Haven't got a voice, that we needed to be a voice for the voiceless. I kept quiet and didn't disagree
Underneath the lengthy diatribe, but I thought that, in fact, I'm pretty sure that my friend was mixing
Things up, the metaphorical with the literal, because most of those poor, discriminated against,
Terrorized motherfuckers aren't mute. They can speak for themselves. But the people who like to
Instead speak for them do so just so the voicemore don't have to listen to what the voiceless have to
Not say or say or whatever. Because I'm pretty sure that my friend and the other do-gooders doing
Good as voices for the not actually so voiceless wouldn't like what the voiceless have to say when they

Use their voices to say what they think about the people who like to speak for them because those nice
People just won't shut the fuck up and listen.

For the uptight about language

Shhh, my well-meaning friend got fired up one day and told me we needed to speak up for those who
Haven't got a voice, that we needed to be a voice for the voiceless. I kept quiet and didn't disagree
Underneath the lengthy diatribe, but I thought that, in fact, I'm pretty sure that my friend was mixing
Things up, the metaphorical with the literal, because most of those discriminated against,
Terrorized poor and powerless aren't mute. They can speak for themselves. But the people who like to
Instead speak for them do so just so the voicemore don't have to listen to what the voiceless have to
Not say or say or whatever. Because I'm pretty sure that my friend and the other do-gooders doing 
Good as voices for the not actually so voiceless wouldn't like what the voiceless have to say when they

Use their voices to say what they think about the people who like to speak for them because those nice
People just won't shut up and listen.

11 February 2014

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